Isn’t insurance all about having the proper coverage when you need it? Unfortunately, no. Many insurance companies count on clients misunderstanding the policies purchased. These companies profit by relying on the “fine print” to save them from paying you the money you thought you were entitled to. No matter how much your policy costs, you might be denied compensation at the most devastating times.
Are you being denied insurance compensation? Does it feel like it’s too late? You don’t have to lose what you deserve. Insurance companies have the experience to interpret your policy as it benefits them instead of you. But what if there was another team well-versed in insurance law, who fights for you with your best interest in mind? There is!
Solnick Law handles a variety of property claims throughout Florida, working to get you the compensation you deserve. When you need an advocate, let our seasoned attorneys negotiate to recover everything you’re entitled to.
There are statutes in place to protect your rights once a claim is filed. We’re available to help you when you’re being taken advantage of, but how can you stop the insurance company from doing that in the first place? Here are some tips on choosing the right insurance policy, understanding your rights, and preventing unpleasant surprises:
- Know what losses are covered: Insurance companies will provide financial reimbursement for losses specifically stated in your policy. But the levels of coverage vary and are sometimes difficult to understand. For example, homeowner’s insurance may exclude flood damage, if there’s a separate policy designed for that. Generally, protected damage includes fire, hail, theft, and vandalism. Know the results you’re entitled to before you purchase a policy or need to make a claim.
- Always approach a new policy purchase or any coverage change meticulously: Policy upgrades and coverage cost savings alike can be equally deceiving. Take time to research and analyze your policy before buying or changing it.
- Understand how long it takes for a claim to be settled: Understanding this in the beginning, before disaster strikes, can help prevent additional stress when waiting for your deserved compensation. You can budget and plan for the settlement period so that you’re not caught off guard. Most people find it takes at least 18-24 months to repair, rebuild, or replace their home and possessions after a major loss. But timetables vary, such as after a hurricane when multiple people are filing similar claims, and you may see results sooner or later.
Know who really has your back: If you’ve already made a claim, and feel you deserve compensation that you’re not receiving, seek representation from a qualified legal team. Solnick Law handles a variety of property claims throughout Florida, fighting for you each step of the way. Call today if you have questions about your policy rights! 786-629-6530